Five Things I've learnt about supporting traumatised people after the traumatic loss of almost all of my family by The Fandangoe Kid.

The Fandangoe Kid has used her creative practice to process the enormous traumatic loss of almost all of her family. Having experienced society’s discomfort with talking about death and loss when trying to come to terms with her own bereavement, she seeks to use her practice as a platform for unearthing conversations around the vast and complex subject of grief, something that will affect us all, yet something we are still so ill equipped at handling.

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Five Things I’ve learnt about cancer and death after treatment for stage 4 throat cancer, by Julie McCrossin.

Julie McCrossin had oropharyngeal cancer treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy over six years ago. She has recovered her speech and swallowing, and is back to her usual busy life. Julie is known across Australia for her warmth, humour, intelligence and commitment to social justice. She’s an Ambassador for Targeting Cancer.

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Five terminal illness perks no one tells you the day you’re diagnosed by Kris Hallenga.

Kris Hallenga was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer at the age of 23. After finding a lump at 22, living abroad in China for eight months and eventually visiting her doctor three times, Kris was told the news that she had incurable breast cancer. She founded CoppaFeel, the first breast cancer charity in the UK to solely create awareness amongst young people, with the aim of instilling the knowledge and tools they need to get to know their bodies.

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Five Things I’ve learnt from writing about death, by Rupert Callender.

Rupert Callender is a ceremonial undertaker, who started The Green Funeral Company in 1999 with his partner Claire. They became undertakers, (they prefer the term to ‘Funeral Directors’ with its implied etiquette and control) after hearing about The Natural Death Centre charity, an organisation that sprung from the counterculture. Their training mainly consisted of reading The Natural Death Handbook and being influenced personally by punk, acid house and crop circles.

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