Members Gallery 2

Kim Kelly, Editor, Noisey/ VICE
By day, Kim serves as the heavy metal editor for Noisey, VICE's music vertical. By night (and weekend), she can be found snatching up moments of free time to scribble about a variety of subjects for a variety of places, most recently the Guardian, VICE, and Al-Jazeera. She's long held a particular fascination with the gorier, grimier corners of history, which of course led her to a profound interest in death and the global culture surrounding it...which in turn led her here!

Eli Goldstone, Writer
Eli is a writer based in Margate, a graduate of the City University Creative Writing MA and former prose editor of the Cadaverine. Her debut novel Strange Heart Beating is available from Granta and investigates loss and mourning.

Romany Reagan, PhD candidate, Royal Holloway, University of London
Romany Reagan is a final-year PhD candidate at Royal Holloway, University of London. Her thesis centres around the layers of meaning that coexist within a cemetery space. By way of an audio walking practice, artistic interpretations of outdoor archive, nonhuman networks, and mourning practices are explored in Abney Park Cemetery, located in Stoke Newington, North London. Areas of interest encompass: psychogeography, mourning practices, ‘The Good Death’, anachronistic space, heterotopias, gothic sensibility, liminal spaces, the uncanny, and the Victorian ‘Cult of the Dead’. Her walk ‘Crossing Paths/Different Worlds in Abney Park Cemetery’ was published in Ways to Wander (Triarchy Press, 2015)

Dr Erica Borgstrom, Lecturer in medical anthropology and end of life care, Open University
Erica is an anthropologist interested in issues related to death and dying. Her research explores end-of-life care and she teaches on courses about death, dying and bereavement. She's the membership secretary for the Association for the Study of Death and Society. She regularly organises research and engagement events about studying death and improving care.

Lucy Coleman Talbot, Co-Founder, Dead Maidens
Lucy is a research student at University of Winchester, her PhD examines The Cross Bones Graveyard in Southwark, where she also volunteers as a site warden. She is interested in the relationship between death and space, death rituals, socially bad death and cemeteries as a vessel for social change. She is co-founder of Death and the Maiden, striving to portray death in its entirety, they encourage their contributors and audience to confront this often challenging topic through science, literature, art, first person narratives, culture, history and current events. In 2016, Lucy wrote Little Book of Maudism and raised £1000 for the mental health charity Mind. The book comprises of ten lessons to live and die by from the ultimate death positive film, Harold and Maude. She is a member of the Good Funeral Guild and has collaborated with the award winning funeral florists Stems UK.

Dr Shabnam Spiers, Senior A&E Doctor & Fashion Designer
Coming soon

Heather Kennedy, Fair Funerals
The Fair Funerals campaign is run by anti-poverty charity Quaker Social Action to tackle the root causes of funeral poverty. Since 1867 Quaker Social Action (QSA) has run practical projects supporting people in poverty. QSA also runs the Down to Earth project which directly supports people on low incomes struggling with the cost of a funeral.

Sara "FizzySnood" Cutting
Cancer was a diva who moved in to Sara’s house in 2014, but she kicked her out and is now a speaker, campaigner, fundraiser, wearer of ridiculous headgear and proud sharer of the most terrible puns. She uses humour and creativity to deliver important and sometimes challenging messages to children, youth groups, corporates and charities. Following a few close shaves in the last couple of years Sara has become a member and campaigner of Dignity In Dying. Her intolerance of opiates has made her up her game in campaigning to help get assisted dying legalised in the UK for the terminally ill.

Jacqueline and Simon Durban, Falling Back to Earth
Jacqueline and Simon are the founders of Hedgetemple, which weaves connection between Spirit, wild nature, and community for those of all faiths and none. Jacqueline is a hedgepriestess and celebrant, a writer and poet, a former hospice counsellor, and gives talks on engaging positively with death and dying. She is also a spokesperson for Quaker Social Action's 'Fair Funerals Campaign'. Simon is a sacred musician and healer, who has been exploring the power of sound to change the world, together with mindful connection to the natural environment, over many years. They are passionate about reclaiming death from what has become too much an 'industry' and seek to accompany the bereaved in creating personal, gentle, and moving ceremonies of deep heart for their dead. We have so much more power than we think.

Pat Doe, They Didn't Die
Pat collects interesting obituaries from newspapers in the US and posts them on Instagram every single day.

Laura Helen Greenwood, Actor
Coming soon

Lucy Coulbert, Owner, The Individual Funeral Company and Coulbert Family Funerals
Lucy arranges small and intimate funerals through any and every connotation up to highly bespoke and elaborate funerals. It is important to her that if families want to arrange funerals themselves, they are supported in any way possible.

Ben Sealy, End of Life Psychotherapist, Harlington Hospice
Ben heads up the Life>time service at Harlington Hospice where the aim is to provide emotional, psychological and spiritual support for those with a terminal diagnosis. The support is always client led and can be for the individual alone but it also works to support carers and family along the journey. The work can be wide ranging, from Advance Decisions and treatment plans to the more spiritual side of preparing for death. Ben is currently in training to be a soul midwife.

Christopher Doggett Dip.F.D. General Manager of The Natural Burial Company, Funeral Director
The Natural Burial Company is dedicated to developing a portfolio of natural burial sites throughout the country providing environmental friendly services in peaceful locations. Christopher has over 30 years experience within funeral service and is passionate about tackling funeral poverty and providing service and choice. Christopher also supports the Death Cafe movement within his local area and offers advice and support to funeral directors and others caring for the bereaved.

Adaire Petrichor, EOLD, CH, Certified Trainer, Community Educator, Founder, Heart of Dying Doulas LLC and The Heart of Dying Project
Guiding the Dying Home ~ one Heart, one Family, one Community at a time. Heart of Dying Doulas LLC offers certified end of life doula training and mentoring. End of Life Doulas offer support, education & advocacy to families, friends & those facing a life changing diagnosis or terminal illness. Adaire's other passion is The Heart of Dying Project, a budding nonprofit dedicated to creating compassionate circles of care within our communities. She holds courageous conversation to explore death and dying and offers a variety of trainings and workshops. At the heart of her mission is the goal to educate the community about the special needs the homeless face during end of life. And, to establish a social hospice for homeless women to spend the last few months of their lives in a safe, nurturing home, embraced by courageous hearts, a place to call home.

Lesley Goodburn, A person with lived experience
Following the death of Lesley's husband Seth in 2014 from pancreatic cancer, she has been working to raise awareness of death, dying, grief and bereavement as well as working with Pancreatic Cancer UK to raise awareness of signs and symptoms of the disease. She has shared the journey from Seth's diagnosis until his death just thirty three short and heartbreaking days later. Her story has been turned into a play, a film and an educational package designed to help health care professionals reflect on their practice and to improve compassionate end of life. She is determined to build Seth's legacy by using their story to improve end of life care for others.

Peter Billingham, Founder, Death Goes Digital
Blogging, podcasting and the latest news and digital trends in the Bereavement Industry, Death Goes Digital is unique. The long held traditional approach to the funeral industry seems forever unchanging. Growing alongside, and Peter believes taking over, in the not too distant future, digital technology is rapidly changing that marketplace. New websites offering families the choice to buy a funeral online or creating a digital memorial or digital life story scrapbook seems to be starting each week.

May Andrews, Civil Minister
May is a civil funeral minister who works in and around London, providing unique and personalised ceremonies. She works with families to create funerals that are meaningful to them and that reflect the life and loves of their loved one.

Tilly Munro
Tilly is the eldest of seven children and was a primary school teacher for five years before becoming a mum three years ago. She has spent her whole life around babies and children, watching them marvel at the world and helping them to make discoveries. She thinks that conversations about death and dying are important from quite a young age so that it remains a natural topic of conversation, rather than something shadowy and frightening. Alongside her work, and being a mum, she has completed an Open University degree in Natural Sciences. One of her research projects was on the most environmentally friendly way to dispose of the dead in the U.K.

Rehana Rose, Filmmaker
Rehana is currently making an independent documentary ‘Dead Good’ about what happens from the point of death to the ceremony. Scheduled to complete 2018. Look out for for the film’s ‘A-Z of Dead’ campaign on twitter starting very soon...
Zana Saunders, PhD candidate, The Open University
Zana is a PhD candidate with The Open University researching perspectives of hospice and end of life care. Zana has an interest in death and dying from her years of experience working in the care industry, disability, equality and advocacy sectors. Zana is also a practising Christian who is passionate about ensuring spiritual needs are met for people who are recognised as dying.

Mary Brown, Retired teacher of adults then part time Quaker Prison Chaplain
Mary (aged 80) was a teacher before becoming a part-time Quaker prison chaplain. She's now a writer and the author of 'Confessions of a Prison Chaplain' (Waterside Press 2014).
Forthcoming: 'The Undiscovered Country: conversations about Death' (to be published later 2017 by KCA publishing). This book is based on 45 conversations Mary had over a year or more, with a wide variety of people who are willing and happy to talk about death. This makes them atypical. The haphazard collection included bereaved people, those who work professionally or voluntarily with the dying and the bereaved. She also visited two hospices, and talked to people of a variety of faiths, about what their faith believes about death.
Kirsten Baker, Surgical PA
As a PA to a Central London Surgeon. As a young child she remembers staring at the night sky on long car journeys trying to fathom what it could be not to exist. She is still fascinated by this as an adult. Cemeteries are some of her favourite places for stillness and contemplation. Kirsten believes that healthy awareness of death allows for living a full and mindful life. She ponders life as a human being at