By Helly Newton, whose brother died from a heart attack at the age of 34
1. Finding that my family feels suddenly disjointed and fractured. That big brother who brought joy and laughter is no longer there. And realising how much they shaped who you are as a person.
2. You want to do everything you can to ease your family's pain whilst dealing with your own heartbreak. Comforting each other is healing in itself.
3. All those home videos of your childhood seem incredibly precious and crushing all at the same time. Those times spent playing as kids now live in 'the before', when everything was perfect.
4. Dreading being with your family as his absence is all the more apparent but finding that the pain eases slightly when you're with your family.
5. Developing new, meaningful relationships following this new-found grief and sometimes finding support in friends you didn't consider yourself close to before.
Helly’s brother, Martyn
Helly and Martyn on her wedding day
About Helly Newton
”My name is Helly Newton, I live in a small town in Northamptonshire, UK. I've always been very close to my two older brothers, my mum, step dad and sister in laws. We always spend time together as a family and never argue. In July 2019, my oldest brother, Martyn, died of a sudden heart attack. He was only 34 years old. He was healthy and hadn't shown any previous signs of illness. He was just getting ready to buy his own home and move in with his partner. I never pictured life without him.”
You can follow Helly on Instagram.